Exercise, sport & recreation

Reach & Reconnect

by Bangladeshi Women's Association Ltd

The course teaches you I.T. Basics: Learn to use a PC, navigate the internet and stay safe online. FOR MEN ONLY.
  • Tipton Muslim Community Centre Wellington Road
    DY4 8RS
  • 0121 557 6766

Rainbow Health & Wellness

by Dorothy Parkes Centre (Smethwick)

Yoga - 1st Tuesday of each month starting 1st April from 7-8pm Art - 2nd Thursday of each month starting 10th April from 10.30am-12.30pm A safe welcoming space for the LGBTQ+ Community to come together to improve their health and wellbeing while having fun and meeting new people. Counselling is available upon request.
  • Church Road
    B67 6EH
  • 0121 558 2998