Exercise, sport & recreation

Community Mile

by Dorothy Parkes Centre (Smethwick)

Local twice weekly walk.
  • Church Road
    B67 6EH
  • 0121 558 2998

Community Litter Pick

by Dorothy Parkes Centre (Smethwick)

Community Litter Pick on the 1st Saturday of the month.
  • Church Road
    B67 6EH
  • 0121 558 2998

Warley Woods Park

by Warley Woods Community Trust

Open 365 days a year 24 hours a day. Woodland and parkland. Accessible paths. A play area. A great space to enjoy nature, a walk, meet friends have a picnic.
  • The Pavilion
    101 Lightwoods Hill
    B67 5ED
  • 0121 420 1061

Warley Woods Golf Course

by Warley Woods Community Trust

A welcoming 9 hole golf course for all abilities. Coaching is available for those new to golf and equipment can be hired. Some activities for young people can be free of any charge.
  • The Pavilion
    101 Lightwoods Hill
    B67 5ED
  • 0121 420 1061

Warley Woods: The Pavilion

by Warley Woods Community Trust

Our building and car park are open to all. The building includes free public toilets and a community room. There is a shop and cafe. The shop acts as reception for the park and free information on walks, trails and activities can be found here.
  • The Pavilion
    101 Lightwoods Hill
    B67 5ED
  • 0121 420 1061

Sandwell Health Inequalities Programme – SHIP

by Sandwell Consortium

The SHIP programme aims to address the health inequalities affecting residents of Sandwell. The programme is funded by a grant from Sandwell Council Public Health and has eleven delivery partners, who are providing activities and interventions with residents across the diverse communities of Sandwell. The SHIP programme has two key objectives: • Mental health and wellbeing • Preventing and managing long-term physical health conditions.
  • Sandwell Consortium
    Old Municipal Buildings
    Freeth Street
    B69 2AB
  • 0121 533 2568

Sandwell Falls Prevention Exercise – A Falls Free Life

by North Smethwick Development Trust

Falling down can be frightening. A fall can cause injury and create a situation where a person’s confidence is shaken. The Falls Prevention Exercise Programme is a free service aimed at preventing falls in those aged 50+ or have mobility/balance issues. What is it? We offer a 12-week safe exercise programme at one of our community venues across Sandwell. These exercises are designed to improve your mobility, balance and strength. If you are unable to attend one of our community sessions, we can provide a workbook for you to exercise safely at home. The team will also provide Information, Advice and Guidance on ways to prevent falls and maintain your mobility and balance. The service will also refer you to the other community support services available if necessary.
  • Brasshouse Community Centre
    Brasshouse Lane
    B66 1BA
  • 0121 437 0033

Go Play Sandwell (Delivered by Powered By CAN)

by North Smethwick Development Trust

Join us for our FREE Community Play session in Smethwick. These sessions are suitable for families with children and young people aged 6-12yrs (up to 16yrs with SEN-D). No pre-booking required, just rock up and play! Proud to Play In Sandwell!
  • Brasshouse Community Centre Brasshouse Lane
    B66 1BA
  • 0121 555 5672

Growing Friends - Gardening Club

by North Smethwick Development Trust

An interactive gardening sessions, designed to tackle isolation and loneliness through the building of friendships, boosting mood whilst getting some gardening tips. You do not have to have been a gardener to join in. Lots of practical things to do. Course run in conjunction with “With Nature in Mind” with funding from players of the National Lottery Community Fund
  • Brasshouse Community Centre
    Brasshouse Lane
    B66 1BA
  • 0121 555 5672

Parents and Carers Support


A Support Group for parents and carers who have disabled children, young people and adults.
  • Windmill Community Centre
    Messenger Road
    B66 3DX
  • 0121 558 2198