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Acorn Lodge

by Options for Life

About our activities / service

Accessibility details Fully accessible
Opening hours 8 am to 5 pm

Opening days

Morning Afternoon Evening
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday - - -
Sunday - - -

This service is for adults with PMLD - complex needs (Profound and Multiple Learning disabilities). Our participants (service users) benefit greatly from sensory input and individual schedules that can be carried out on a one to one basis or within the group sessions. Our facilities The Zone – contains an interactive floor projector, a wall projector and surround sound these are used to delivery many sensory and interactive experiences including • sensory stories – providing multi-sensory story telling either in small groups or individually • live music experiences give the participants the experience of attending live music events in a safe environment. • We have an interactive floor projector that displays captivating special effects and multimedia content onto the floor or table surface. The interactive display responds to the slightest movement and puts them in control of the display • We offer interactive music sessions that include the use of resonance boards to give participants the opportunity to feel the vibration of the music as well as hearing it. As well as frames to hold musical instruments in place in front of wheelchairs to give chose to our participants. We have R-Iot Balls which are programmed to play notes or instrument sounds when hit or moved. Participants will also benefit from numerous support mechanisms which include physio regimes, sleep systems, intensive interaction, community days out, swimming, including access to our very own sensory room and sensory garden fitted with a wheelchair accessible swing with Colossus Columns and Sansa-Rimba, plus much more... All participants will have their own individual schedules that are followed as required and the overhead hoist, numerous mats and wedges help us deliver this service. All of our participants will receive: An in depth support plan co designed by parents/carers, professionals and the participant Daily Communication Logs - including dietary, seizures charts, medication paperwork Home Diaries - updated daily for family re-assurance and clear communication Support if required for professional meetings Weekly/Monthly Communication updates from assigned Key workers All participants have their own assigned equipment, this includes specialist plates, bowls, and cutlery if this is required, aromatherapy oils, shower gels, hair brushes etc. Our staff are all trained in Dysphagia and we can provide food and drinks on any of the IDDSI levels.

Staff qualifications Staff are qualified to deliver the services of Options for Life.
Genders All
Age focus 18 year olds, 19-25 year olds, 26-65 year olds, 65+ year olds

About the organisation

We are a Sandwell based charity, which supports adults with learning disabilities and/or autism, by providing a range of services which include outreach provision, community hub based activities, drop-in sessions and accessing community activities. We support our participants to increase their self-confidence, develop communication and social skills and ultimately increase their independence. • Options for Life was established in 1988 and is a day opportunity service based in Sandwell, West Midlands, we provide professional person-centred care that is tailored to meet the individual needs of adults with learning disabilities and/or autism. We provide the support through our day opportunities outreach service, Building based and PMLD services. • We aim to provide support in ways which have positive outcomes for participants and promote their active participation. Our staff are qualified and experienced as well as receiving continuous training. • We ensure that each participant’s needs and preferences are thoroughly assessed. We aim to ensure that the support and care that we provide meet the assessed needs of each participant and needs are re-assessed as frequently as necessary and that our care and support have the flexibility to respond to changing needs or requirements. • We aim to provide a flexible, efficient, value-for-money quality care and support service. • We aim to safeguard the privacy and confidentiality of participants and to enable them to maintain their personal independence, have informed choices and have an opportunity to enjoy and contribute to society. • Options for Life is non-discriminatory and serves all participants regardless of race, nationality, language, religion or beliefs, age, sex or sexual orientation, or social standing nor is there any discrimination made between participants who pay directly for the service and those who do not. In the event of special needs and preferences of ethnic, cultural, and religious groups advice would be sought to enable Options for Life staff to meet those needs.

Sandwell Family Life website relies on providers of local support and services to add information about their activities and keep this information up to date. If you know or suspect information to be inaccurate, unclear or out of date please let us know and we will contact the group or organisation concerned and ask them to make the changes needed. In some circumstances, we might remove the information listed.

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